Raffaele – Winter 2024

Zoning Impacts on Vehicle Miles Traveled: The Cases of Fayetteville and Birmingham Aidan Raffaele As the discourse and research around climate change and its effects develops,[1] city governments have emerged as an increasingly useful agent of change.[2] The federal government and state governments are seen more and more as slow-moving in regards to the climate… Continue reading Raffaele – Winter 2024

Spinner – Winter 2024

Carbon Credits: A History and Potential Future Evan Spinner In the last several years, as carbon capture technology has developed, various nations and global companies have come to see it as a solution to the climate crisis. Carbon credits have existed as a tool to address climate change for much longer than their recent spotlight… Continue reading Spinner – Winter 2024

O’Hara – Winter 2024

Going Green in the Deep Blue: How Bermuda Uses Economic and Community Engagement to Support Sustainability Madilynn O’Hara Nestled between the world’s northernmost coral reefs in the vast Sargasso Sea, Bermuda is home to just sixty-five thousand residents and thousands of unique marine species. Both Bermudians’ way of life and the ecological stability of the… Continue reading O’Hara – Winter 2024

Magrath – Winter 2024

The Power Is Down (Again) in Tree Town: Examining Electric Utility Municipalization in Ann Arbor Nathaniel Magrath Over the last several years, Ann Arbor residents have organized a push to municipalize the city’s power grid.[1] While similar efforts to municipalize electric utilities have also gained momentum across the country, motivations for these efforts vary.[2] Efforts… Continue reading Magrath – Winter 2024

Longley – Winter 2024

From Trees’ Rights to Treaty Rights: A Brief Analysis of Rights of Nature Enforcement Elise Longley In 1972, legal scholar Christopher Stone published his essay “Should Trees Have Standing?” introducing the concept of rights of nature to the Western legal system.[1] Shortly after Stone’s essay was published, the Supreme Court in Sierra Club v. Morton… Continue reading Longley – Winter 2024